Always Aiming To Be Number One!
All the replica firearms we list for sale are designs made or patented pre 1870. No licence is required to buy replicas of pre 1870 firearms.
Modern replicas are available (automatic pistols, AK47s etc) but proof of re-enactment group membership, theatre groups or film prop use is needed to purchase along with a copy of 3rd party insurance. Please phone us if you require post 1870 realistic replicas.
All guns are described as non-firing replicas. No projectile can be fired but they do feature moving parts. Hammers cock, triggers fire and cylinders rotate etc.
Denix 6 Barrel Pepper-Box Revolver, 1840 England 1071£79.95 / unit(s) *can be shipped within 2-3 days |
Denix 1869 Smith & Wesson Schofield Cal.45 Revolver 1008/L£119.95 / unit(s) *can be shipped within 2-3 days |
Denix Flintlock pistol, England 18th. Century 1219£64.95 / unit(s) *can be shipped within 2-3 days |